Biohumus occupies a unique place in the range of organic fertilisers. It is an ecologically pure and biologically active fertiliser, which is derived from the accelerated biological degradation of organic wastes by interactions between earthworms and microorganisms. It is a crumbly fertiliser with a pleasant scent and looks like black soil. It contains necessary micro and macronutrients, enzymes, vitamins, humic substances and hormones necessary for plant growth and development. It is loaded with the microorganisms which create and maintain healthy soil.
Biohumus can directly be mixed with your potting or garden soil, immediately or throughout the gardening season. It can be used during growing of seedlings, spring and autumn fertilization and surface application during the vegetation.
Fertilization norm of Biohumus is 3.5-6 tons for 1 ha of soil and 4.5-6 tons to make the dead soil alive. Overfertilization with biohumus is impossible: the more, the better.
To fertilize your home plants just spread biohumus on the soil surface. It is preferable to mix it with the soil around the plant by hoeing it, and then water. During transplanting insert 150-200 grams of biohumus into each hole, which will give plants a great start in growth and development.
Fertilization of agricultural lands, crops, fruit trees, berries, seedlings
Fertilization and care of ornamental and home plants
Fertilization of ornamental trees, gardening, greenery
To raise the soil fertility care should be taken to increase the amount of organic matter – humus. Biohumus exceeds manure by its rich bacterial flora and unique microflora.
One ton of biohumus is equivalent to 7-8 tons of manure by the content of essential nutrients.
Charles Darwin first drew public attention on the great importance of earthworms in the breakdown of organic matter through the publication of his landmark book (1881). Red Californian worms are the producers of the highest quality vermicompost. Each worm produces biohumus equal to the weight of its body daily. They work hard to turn organic waste into a rich, dark fertilizer that smells like forest soil and is the best natural nourishment for crops.
Biohumus naturally increases the content of sugars, vitamins and dry matter in plants, reduces the accumulation of nitrates. It makes vegetables and fruits taste great, makes them vitamin-rich and healthy.
Bio liquid is an extract of biohumus, which contains nutrients, microelements, beneficial microorganisms useful for plant growth. Liquid fertilizer is faster-acting and it can be used in agriculture for all types of crops, vegetables, ornamental and home plants and flowers. Bio liquid provides balanced plant nutrition. Naturally derived microorganisms transform mineral forms from vermicompost into those accessible for plants. It gives plants the quick boost of nutrients they need to grow stronger and be more productive.
Bio liquid can be easily applied to all kinds of crops and plants in any stage of growth through drip irrigation, spraying or sprinkling (if necessary, the solution can be filtered before filling into the sprinkler). It can be used for greenhouse and field crops production.
One liter of bio liquid needs to be diluted in 10 liter of water and shaken before use. Fertilization can be repeated every 7-14 days.
Owing to its numerous beneficial nutrients it can be effective even in small quantities.
In case of leaf fertilization, you can use 3-5l of bio liquid for 1000 square meters of land, but the quantity and frequency of use depends on the type of plant and soil quality.
It can be used in combination with insecticides and fungicides.
Bio liquid is a fertilizer with complex chemical composition and rich in microbiological elements, which includes soluble mineral nutrients, plant growth hormones, and regulators, microorganisms; as well as free enzymes, all having favorable effects on plant growth and yields.
Bio liquid prevents stress in plants and promotes their rapid restoration against stress factors such as heat, drought, and mechanical injuries, and so on.
Bio liquid increases the total N content of the plants consistently, can also influence plant growth dramatically, as well as affect significantly the germination, flowering, and yields.
Owing to its naturally balanced content of nutrients and optimal quantity of biological growth regulators the bio liquid gives plants a quick boost.
Fertilization by bio liquid considerably increases rooting tempo of crops, the number of leaves and flowers, plant stem growth rates and the yield.
Pre-treatment of seeds before sowing is an important factor which determines their sprouting. Bio liquid accelerates the seeds germination time and provides them with vital nutritional supplements for further normal growth. It is recommended to soak the seeds in a dilution of bio liquid water with a ratio 1:5 (dilution of 100ml of bio liquid in 500ml of water) overnight for 8-12 hours, then dry and sow in the morning. That will be the right beginning for your plant.
USAGE Fertilization norm of Granulated biohumus is 2.5-5 tons for 1 ha of soil. Overfertilization with granulated biohumus is also impossible: the more, the better. Granulated biohumus is used:
- Locally together with plant seeds or planting material
- Before sowing or planting with disc spreaders and then adding to the soil
- At the beginning of vegetation
- In later stages of vegetation when vegetables are grown in greenhouses and outdoors,
- Spreading in all directions when fertilizing potted flowers
- In horticulture and berry breeding, spreading in all directions under the fruit trees and berry bushes,
- When fertilizing strawberries and raspberries, prior to the installation of strawberry and raspberry farms, apply additionally in late autumn or early spring at the beginning of vegetation
LIFE IN EACH GRANULE Granulated fertilizers may be used for field, garden, orchard, and greenhouse plants, ornamental trees and shrubs, balcony and potted plants. These fertilizers are rich in macro elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur , and sodium), microelements (zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum, and cobalt), and ultra-microelements, such as iodine, selenium and others.
WHERE TO USE It is excellent for vegetable/fruit growers, herb-growers, landscapers and home gardeners.
Organomix is a biologically active, ecologically clean organic fertilizer with a complex of macro- and microelements composed of vermicompost, peat and compost. It contains no pathogens and weed-seeds and is safe for use. Organomix is effective for soil and plant health protection, as well as for plant growth and crop yields.
Organomix is used in horticulture and for fertilization of all types of crops, ornamental and fruit trees and plants, berries and seedlings in any stage of growth for greenhouse as well as field crops. It can be used for basic fertilization, before or during planting as well as during surface application.
Fertilization norm for Organomix is 3.5-10 tons for 1 ha.
Fertilization norm for ornamental and fruit trees is 3.5-10 kg on average, depending on the age of a tree.
To fertilize crops and berries use on average 1.5-4 kg of Organomix for a square meter of land and 200-250g for each plant.
Green is the color of your health. Don’t forget to fertilize your yard to give it a new breath, and make it greener and look lusher. Vegetables and fruits grown in organically fertilized soil are the path to healthy life. Apply 4.5-10 tons of Organomix to 1 ha of land to make it livable.
The fertilization experiments of potato fields by Organomix revealed high potato fertility, strong sprouts, perfect growth of stem and foliage, increase of resistance against diseases and a significant increase in the overall yield.
Super Mix is a nutritious, biologically pure growing medium for all kinds of seedlings, home and garden flowers, herbs, plants and vegetables. It is a mixture of peat, compost, vermicompost, perlite and pumice developed to help supply plants with nutrients necessary for their growth. It does not contain pathogens and is safe for use. Container plants and seedlings thrive best when they have plenty of drainage and start out in a sterile environment.
Super Mix is designed to stay “fluffy” and not compact too much in the challenging environment of containers. It won't dry out too quickly, but will resist compacting, so that the plant's roots can take up water and moisture from their surroundings. The roots will also have access to oxygen, which means that the medium is not too dense.
Super Mix is used for horticulture, for all types of home and garden flowers, as well for seedlings.
To cultivate seedlings pour Super Mix in corresponding pots then sow and water the seed.
Home plants and flowers can be cultivated right in Super Mix or transferred into it.
Berries can also be cultivated right in Super Mix.
We have already calculated the amount of nutrients necessary for the growth and development of your seedlings and present it as a super mix growing medium.
Your seedlings will not need extra nutrition until transferring them into soil. They will directly be fed with nutrients contained in Super Mix.
Peat is a heterogeneous mixture of partly decomposed plant material that has accumulated in a water-saturated environment and in absence of oxygen. It is non-toxic, natural material with high air and water absorption capacity. Its structure ranges from more or less decomposed plant remains to a fine amorphic mass.
It contains humic acids – growth and development stimulators, amino acids that are required for the transfer of some nutrients in a form available for plants. Peat has antibacterial properties. It is effectively used as the basis for all types of soil designed to grow crops and seedlings. It can be used to improve the physical properties of each type of soil.
Peat is used in horticulture, for growing, mulching and fertilization of all types of crops, decorative and fruit trees, berries and seedlings.
Peat has an ability to absorb moisture, which is very important for areas with high air humidity. Peat reduces the content of pathogenic microbes which is important especially for the closed ground. Enrich soil with peat annually to reach high fertility on closed ground.
Super Compost is environmentally natural fertilizers, which is a mixture of decomposed organic matter, and is used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients; it acts as a fertilizer and can also be used as a mulch to suppress weeds and retain moisture. It helps aerate the soil, breaks down organic matter, and helps prevent plant disease owing to the beneficial microorganisms comprised in it.
Super Compost contains nutrients that your plants need for optimum growth; those nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. And it’s a particularly good supplier of micronutrients that are needed in small quantities and are sometimes overlooked by gardeners, including boron, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc. In some situations, you will not even need to fertilize the soil enriched with Super Compost.
Super Compost is commonly used as:
- organic fertilizer
For 1 ha fertilization norm for Super Compost is 5-12 m3. Super Compost is used in horticulture and for fertilization of all types of crops, trees, berries and seedlings. Each tree requires 5-12 l super compost; for potato, the fertilizing norm is 5-10 m3 per 1 ha. - soil amendment
If you are using the Super Compost as moisture holding mulch – do exactly what you would do with any mulch. Spread it around plants, trees, shrubs – the usual entities in your garden or lawn. Just make sure there is a good 2-5 cm on whatever the surface, and you will be good to go. Just like regular mulches from organic materials, it will break down over time. Simply keep adding to it once or twice a year, and you’ll soon have the healthiest lawn in town, as the compost continually increases the fertility of the soil. - moisture holding mulch
If you use Super Compost as a soil amendment, dig anywhere from 2 to 6 cm down and then throw the compost in there, and mix it in with the rest of the soil at planting time. Your flowers, plants, or whatever you have planted there, will thrive.