How to use the website
General rules
The website contains information, including materials, expertise results , annexes, articles, offers, and photographs, which are result of ORWACO’s work and are solely the property of the company.
The website contains logos, which are the property of their respective owners by intellectual property right.
Re-printing and publication of website content by individuals and/or organizations without ORWACO’s special consent/authorization is prohibited.
In case of a copyright violation the Company will commit to bringing the person and/or organization to responsibility in accordance with the RA legislation.
Rules of commenting on the website
To leave an opinion or a comment on the website, please note that;
1․ the opinion or the comment shall directly refer to the given material;
2․ the comment shall respect other expressed opinions and written comments;
3․ the comments containing:
a) insulting, obscene language;
b) racial, religious, ethnic, or any other type of discrimination;
c) links to other websites or materials;
d) advertising, marketing content;
e) personal or confidential information, will be deleted from the website without further notice.
The personal information you provide when making online purchase is used exceptionally for the purpose of organizing the delivery of purchased goods.