Granulated biohumus is a bioactive 100% organic fertilizer derived from 100% biohumus /vermicompost/. No chemicals are added. The manufacturing process involves vermicomposting of organic matter that converts organic substrates into a high quality humus-rich dark colored soil-like biohumus, which is then granulated using our proprietary granulation process. The granules reduce the bulkiness of vermicompost, facilitate easy handling, storage, and are ideal for mechanized field application.
Fertilization norm of Granulated biohumus is 2.5-5 tons for 1 ha of soil. Overfertilization with granulated biohumus is also impossible: the more, the better.
Granulated biohumus is used:
- Locally together with plant seeds or planting material
- Before sowing or planting with disc spreaders and then adding to the soil
- At the beginning of vegetation
- In later stages of vegetation when vegetables are grown in greenhouses and outdoors,
- Spreading in all directions when fertilizing potted flowers
- In horticulture and berry breeding, spreading in all directions under the fruit trees and berry bushes,
- When fertilizing strawberries and raspberries, prior to the installation of strawberry and raspberry farms, apply additionally in late autumn or early spring at the beginning of vegetation
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